Solve et Coagula

For some time now, I’ve been wondering what direction I wanted Diario de un Brujo to take because, as you’d expect, I’ve changed over the years. My views on magic and the Left-Hand Path have transformed, and as a result, so have my writings, my art, and so on. Over the past period, I’ve been doing a lot of critical thinking and reflection, often due to interactions with other people, groups, etc. I understand that perhaps much of what I’ve said hasn’t been the pleasant words so many were expecting, but that’s the way things are. I tend to be the uncomfortable response or reflection many don’t want to confront.

In any case, and in my desire to defend spiritual individuality and the solitary path—pillars that, in my understanding, form the Left-Hand Path—it’s far from my intention to condition others or tell them how they should think, much less say what is right or wrong. As I’ve often said, there’s no room here for dogmas, artificial hierarchies, or all-knowing masters. From my criticisms, I only express what I believe, what I see, what I feel, and what I think—nothing more. If something I say resonates with you, I’m more than happy; if not, thank you for reading anyway.

Diario de un Brujo has undergone many changes over the years, even a change in its URL when I moved to Europe. There were times, especially in the beginning, when I was mostly doing translations. Then I started sharing my things: many rituals, guides, etc. Some long-term projects and writings took months and months, while more recently, my content has been a bit more philosophical and reflective. I’ve also incorporated courses and workshops, and I have to say I’m more than satisfied with the results. And now, it’s a new time for change. The reflections were good, but I feel like I can’t just stay in criticism or the endless philosophical debate. I’ve done that, and perhaps in the future, we might touch on some of these topics again, but for now, I want—and feel the need—to once again focus on more practical things. Maybe I’ll start working on a project and share my results, create a guide, and so on.

Although I’m not one to fully share my personal experiences—because, as I always tell people who ask me what happens to me during my rituals, personal experiences are just that, personal—and out of respect for my spirituality, I prefer to keep them that way. This doesn’t prevent me from sharing specific elements or work methods that have been useful in my processes—methods that are always open to being used as inspiration and modified to fit each person’s magical systems.

I can’t say yet what the next posts on the blog will be or what direction it will take, but I’m sure they’ll be very practical. In the meantime, I’m preparing new courses and workshops, as well as the release of some new books.

As always, thanks for reading.

In Nomine Nox!

Daemon Barzai

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