Autor: Daemon Barzai

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 14)

Summoning of the Draconian Temple Guardians Once we have prepared our subtle bodies through Kundalini Meditation and the Dragon Ceremony, it will be time to ritually prepare our physical space. For this, there is a wide variety of ritual formulas that we magicians apply to delimit a line between...

Los Qlipoth

Una visión personal Como lo dice claro el titulo, hoy escribo este ensayo con la intención de compartir con todos ustedes, mi querid@s lectores, la visión que tengo hoy sobre el Árbol de las Sombras o Qlipoth. Llevo 11 años explorando y trabajando de modo activo con esto,  y...

Introduzione al sentiero draconiano (Parte 13)

La cerimonia del drago Da qui ci presentiamo agli aspetti rituali della corrente, iniziamo con la cerimonia del drago, ha diversi scopi e, come sempre, ognuno di voi scoprirà nuovi usi con il passare del tempo e della pratica. Tra le sue funzioni, possiamo dire che è quello che...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 13)

The Dragon Ceremony Let’s start with the Dragon Ceremony, it has several purposes and as always, each of you will discover new uses with the passage of time and practice. Among its functions, we can say that it is the one that connects us with the Dragon Current, when...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 12)

Kundalini meditation If we remember a bit of what I talked about in the first entries, the fact is that the Draconian Path is inspired by its rituals in different mythologies and knowledge, focused on the Dragon and the Serpent. Although the awakening of Kundalini is something that belongs...