Autor: Daemon Barzai

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 13)

The Dragon Ceremony Let’s start with the Dragon Ceremony, it has several purposes and as always, each of you will discover new uses with the passage of time and practice. Among its functions, we can say that it is the one that connects us with the Dragon Current, when...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 12)

Kundalini meditation If we remember a bit of what I talked about in the first entries, the fact is that the Draconian Path is inspired by its rituals in different mythologies and knowledge, focused on the Dragon and the Serpent. Although the awakening of Kundalini is something that belongs...

Introduzione al sentiero draconiano (Parte 12)

Meditazione Kundalini Se ricordiamo un po ‘di ciò di cui ho parlato nelle prime voci, il fatto è che il Sentiero Draconiano è ispirato dai suoi rituali in diverse mitologie e conoscenze, incentrato sul Drago e sul Serpente. Sebbene il risveglio della Kundalini sia qualcosa che appartiene al Tantra...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 11)

The Magic Altar and its Tools Here we begin with the practical part of this guide, and as a suggestion, take your time to analyze everything, take your time to do each practice, this is not a race, each person needs their time to do things correctly. I decided...

Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 10)

Let’s talk about Black Magic Always a complicated topic to discuss, at first I was not going to write about this topic, but I got together with some friends and we started talking about it and I think it deserves a space in this guide. If we consult different...