Autor: Daemon Barzai

Qalilitu: The Evil Mermaid of the Bloody Waters of Gamaliel

Qalilitu is an evil mermaid, she lives deep in the waters of the bloody rivers of Gamaliel. She appears with the body half fish half woman, her eyes are white and burning, she also has a third eye on her forehead. She has reddish and matted hair, her teeth...

Sentiero della Mano Sinistra: Un Sentiero Antinomico?

Sin da quando ho iniziato sul sentiero a sinistra o piuttosto da quando ho preso la mia prima iniziazione sul Sentiero Draconiano e mi stavo formando, il concetto che il percorso è antinomico e solitario era qualcosa di ricorrente, infatti anche oggi un e di nuovo. Allora, devo dire,...

Left-Hand Path: An Antinomic Path?

Ever since I started on the left-hand path or rather since I took my first initiation on the Draconian Path and I was forming, the concept that the path is antinomic and solitary was something recurring, the same happens today. Back then, I must say, that I did not...