Categoría: English

Le Dragon Noir – An Introduction to Necromancy

Necromancy is as old as man himself, in all ages there have been different forms of necromancy. Contact with death and the dead is something that has been considered taboo for a long time but sooner or later every magician has to face this concept and work on it....

Mušmahhu – The Silent Annihilator

Mušmahhu is one of the Demon-Gods of Tiamat. There are very few references to the 11 Demons. When Tiamat created them to fight the God Marduk, she created them as an army, as powerful weapons, their bodies instead of blood contained poison, but in addition to knowing this, we...

The Draconian Evocation

When it comes to evocation, people often have a lot of «fantasies» about it. The inexperienced magician thinks that by reciting some words from an ancient medieval grimoire, the spirit will appear and fulfill all his requests because no, this does not work this way. Among all the branches...

Kali: A Journey to Death and the Void

My first encounter with the Goddess Kali came in one of my rituals in the Qlipha A’arab Zaraq. I always had great respect for this Goddess, but until now I had never worked with her. When she appeared in my vision, we had an intense talk where she presented...

The new directions of Diario de un Brujo

Diario de un Brujo has already completed three years online, for me, it has been a great pleasure to be able to bring to all of you the translations I have made. I am lucky to have had great acceptance, a lot of praise, positive comments, and a lot...