Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 12)

Kundalini meditation

If we remember a bit of what I talked about in the first entries, the fact is that the Draconian Path is inspired by its rituals in different mythologies and knowledge, focused on the Dragon and the Serpent. Although the awakening of Kundalini is something that belongs to the Tantra of the East, the value that can be given from the West should not be underestimated. Of course, we will not apply the same techniques that are used in Tantra, since this supposes an initiatory system in itself, and it is necessary to resort to a Guru and follow this tradition. But what we will do is use the concept, the idea, and the archetypal power that is here. In this way, we can make use of this for our benefit as an element and link of personal power.

In all western traditions, different methods, rituals, forms are used to empower the spiritual body, in this way the magician’s aura is strengthened and it is much easier to access altered states of consciousness, astrally travel to different worlds and realms and not least, develop our psychic-spiritual potential. On the other hand, strengthening our spiritual body will be something completely necessary to be able to penetrate new levels of initiation, as it will also allow us to balance our energies, this will be something that we must do daily, it is not something that can be done from time to time. It should be a «routine» in our magical lives. There are many options, for example, performing a Kundalini meditation when we wake up, or when we go to sleep. Also, it is recommended to perform it before each ritual. With time, this will be something natural and we will see great transformations and changes, some will have to do with how we perceive reality, our will power will increase, we will be able to develop new psychic abilities, among several other things that they will discover over time.

What this practice requires is patience and perseverance, since only in this way will true results and progress be achieved. My suggestion is that before any ritual, do this practice, as I said before, it strengthens the spiritual/energetic body and will allow you to enter into an altered state of consciousness much faster, while still connecting with the subtle energies in a much simpler way. On the other hand, many of the practices that the path has been demanding, so it is required to be energetically ready for them so as not to end up exhausted and without strength.

In the draconian lore, there are more than just 7 chakras, but here I will only mention the main ones since the «secret» or hidden chakras belong to advanced initiation spheres and only open when Kundalini is awake in the magician, something that happens naturally after a long time of practice.

After saying the above, let’s see each of the chakras, their functions, and then how to start with the meditation:

The first chakra is located between the anus, and the genitals, its name is Muladhara and it is here where the Kundalini force or vital energy rests. It has the shape of a lotus with four red petals. This chakra is associated with the strength of matter, inertia, the birth of sound, and with the sense of smell. It is also associated with physical needs such as food, sleep, and sexual instinct. Their Kabbalistic association corresponds with Malkuth/Lilith in the Tree of Life/The Tree of Shadows.

The second chakra is Svadisthana, it is located between the navel and the genital area. It has the shape of a lotus with six orange petals and its element is water. This chakra is associated with the hands and the sense of touch. Also with sexuality, lust, pleasure, and creativity. In the Cabalistic system, it corresponds to Yesod/Gamaliel.

The third chakra is Manipura, it is located in the solar plexus. It is shaped like a yellow lotus with ten petals. Its element is fire, and it is associated with the sun, the sense of seeing and sometimes, aggression, and the will. Along with the next chakra, in the Kabbalah, it is associated with Tipheret/Thagirion.

The fourth chakra is Anahata and is located in the center of the chest. It is shaped like a lotus with twelve green petals. It is associated with the blood system and the senses of touch and movement.

The fifth chakra is Vishuddhi and is located in the throat/neck. It is shaped like a lotus with sixteen blue petals. It is associated with hearing and skin. In the Qabalah, they are associated with the Abyss: Daath.

The sixth chakra is Ajna and is located between the eyebrows. It is shaped like a purple two-petalled lotus. This chakra does not have a single ruling element, as it transcends them. In the Qabalah it is associated with Kether/Thaumiel.

Finally, and in the center of the head is Sahasrara, but it is not a chakra but a «portal» that appears when the other chakras are opened. Sahasrara is a lotus with thousands of petals from which red or white lights flash. When Kundalini reaches this level, the magician experiences a complete state of bliss. Beyond this level, there is the black chakra known as Sunya, and behind the Ajna Chakra, there are three more that are secrets known as Lalana, Lalata, and Golata. Finally, there are a series of dark chakras that lie below Muladhara, the Lower Chakras, and can be worked by advanced dark magicians, although these practices are advanced and I do not recommend them to people who do not have the necessary knowledge in magic. They can be dangerous and get out of control very quickly.

Now yes, and after this little theory about the chakras, I recommend that you expand it by searching the Internet, let’s practice. Kundalini meditation is something that can be done at any time of the day/night, both indoors and outdoors, outdoors, if you have the chance, I recommend that you try them both and you will notice the difference. At first, light some incense that you like, it can be Sandalwood, it is very good and helps a lot to relax the mind. Put yourself in a comfortable position, close your eyes, take a deep breath, empty your mind of any external thoughts, and start with the following visualization:

Muladhara: Imagine a lotus or a deep red sphere that is located in the coccyx, between the anus and the genitals. Begins to vibrate the mantra LAM. Feel how the Kundalini snake wakes up and charges this area with energy, it glows brightly and you can feel the energy running throughout your body. Continue vibrating the mantra as much as you think necessary, don’t rush, take your time. When you feel ready continue with the following chakra:

Svadisthana: Imagine a lotus or a sphere of deep orange color, it is located between the genital area and the belly button. Begins to vibrate the mantra VAM. Feel how the energy grows and expands, from the previous chakra and rises to it, the energy runs throughout your body. Continue vibrating the mantra as much as you think necessary, don’t rush, take your time. When you feel ready continue with the following chakra:

Manipura: Imagine a lotus or a sphere of intense yellow color, it is located in the solar plexus, slightly below the chest. Begins to vibrate the mantra RAM. Feel how the energy wakes up and expands, the sensations are becoming more powerful and fills you with energy. Continue vibrating the mantra as much as you think necessary, don’t rush, take your time. When you feel ready continue with the following chakra:

Anahata: Imagine a lotus or a sphere of intense green color, it is located at chest level. Begins to vibrate the mantra YAM. Feel how the energy envelops you and empowers your energy body, it is a feeling of power and calm at the same time. Continue vibrating the mantra as much as you think necessary, don’t rush, take your time. When you feel ready continue with the following chakra:

Vishuddhi: imagine a lotus or sphere of electric blue color, it is located in the throat/neck. Begins to vibrate the mantra HAM. Feel the energy grow within you, generating a feeling of power and expansion. Continue vibrating the mantra as much as you think necessary, don’t rush, take your time. When you feel ready continue with the following chakra:

Ajna: imagine a lilac/violet colored lotus or sphere, it is located between your eyebrows. Begins to vibrate the mantra Om. Feel your third eye open and allow you to see beyond this plane of reality. Continue vibrating the mantra as much as you think necessary, don’t rush, take your time. When you feel ready continue with the following chakra:

Sahasrara: Although we have said that it is not a chakra in itself but rather a portal, it is necessary to make the energy rise to that center, this will allow us to work with the rest of the «secret» chakras later on. For the same, we will visualize intense energy of white color, focus on the sensations of power, here you experience the entire universe, but also the idea of ​​emptiness.

When you feel ready to finish the practice, just take a deep breath and start opening your eyes. Take your time, don’t do it abruptly. If it is practiced correctly, there will be many results that you can obtain with it, from the awakening of your sleeping psychic abilities to entering into deep states of trance that will allow you to tune your mind with the energies of the Other Side.

There are infinite ways of working with the Kundalini energies, this is only one. The idea is to illustrate a simple but effective exercise. Remember that you have to do this exercise before each practice. As a suggestion, until you have mastered this exercise, it would be advisable not to go on to the next one.

In the next post, I will go into detail on what is the Dragon Ceremony. Thanks so much for reading.

Demon Barzai

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