Etiqueta: abyss

The True Essence of the Left-Hand Path

I titled this essay this way because although I do not believe that there is an absolute or total truth, I do firmly believe that there are elements that define a tradition as it is, and although it may have flexible or non-dogmatic elements when the essence it is...

Dragons and Serpents of the Abyss (IV)

Behemoth -The Earth Dragon- Sigil of Behemoth Behemoth is the Dragon of the Earth, it is the dominant force in wild and untamed nature, one that cannot be subdued or dominated by man. Behemoth also has rule over death, putrefaction, that which is buried, therefore it also has to...

Dragons and Serpents of the Abyss (II)

Tiamat: The Great Primeval Mother Tiamat is one of the oldest manifestations of the Dragon’s energies. This is a ritual of invocation to Tiamat, Goddess of Chaos whose primary aspect is the energy of darkness, mother of demons. In Babylonian mythology, Tiamat is personified as the Mother-Goddess, it is...

Dragons and Serpents of the Abyss (I)

I believe that this project should begin with a question that a priori seems simple to answer but that can have many possible answers: What the Dragon is? At first, I will try to answer this question from the theoretical side and as we progress in the project we...