Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 11)
The Magic Altar and its Tools Here we begin with the practical part of this guide, and as a suggestion, take your time to analyze everything, take your time to do each practice, this is not a race, each person needs their time to do things correctly. I decided...
Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 10)
Let’s talk about Black Magic Always a complicated topic to discuss, at first I was not going to write about this topic, but I got together with some friends and we started talking about it and I think it deserves a space in this guide. If we consult different...
Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 6)
Gods, Demons and other Spirits of the Path There are many visions and interpretations of what these entities are or are not, but one of the problems we have in the modern era is to underestimate the enormous power that these beings have, many acts as if these forces...
Introduction to the Draconian Path (Part 4)
Left-Hand Path, Right-Hand Path Behind every Magical Current that seeks an initiatory process, it has as its base some kind of philosophy that supports it, as a general rule these schools identify with either the Right-Hand Path or the Left-Hand Path. This concept is taken from Tantra, an aspect...
Introduzione al sentiero draconiano (Parte 3)
Cos’è la magia e come iniziare a praticarla? Definire con le parole cos’è la magia è qualcosa che non può mai essere completo, la magia per capirla deve essere vissuta prima, solo dopo puoi comprenderla. Tuttavia, proverò a dare una spiegazione al meglio delle mie capacità. La magia esiste...