Etiqueta: dragon

Dragons and Serpents of the Abyss (V)

Ouroboros Within the Draconian Path, the Ouroboros is one of the most complex figures to be able to explain with words, and this is because it is not a God or a mythical Divinity that we can find mythology in itself, but rather it is a concept, it is...

Dragons and Serpents of the Abyss (IV)

Behemoth -The Earth Dragon- Sigil of Behemoth Behemoth is the Dragon of the Earth, it is the dominant force in wild and untamed nature, one that cannot be subdued or dominated by man. Behemoth also has rule over death, putrefaction, that which is buried, therefore it also has to...

Dragons and Serpents of the Abyss (III)

Leviathan The Great Serpent of the Nether Waters Sigil of Leviathan I honestly consider it a more complex manifestation of the Serpent/Dragon to be able to speak, since the experience is so personal, that it is difficult to describe in words what it is like to work with this...

Dragons and Serpents of the Abyss (II)

Tiamat: The Great Primeval Mother Tiamat is one of the oldest manifestations of the Dragon’s energies. This is a ritual of invocation to Tiamat, Goddess of Chaos whose primary aspect is the energy of darkness, mother of demons. In Babylonian mythology, Tiamat is personified as the Mother-Goddess, it is...

Mušmahhu – La Aniquiladora Silenciosa (Parte I)

Mušmahhu es uno de los Demonios-Dioses de Tiamat. Hay muy pocas referencias sobre los 11 Demonios. Cuando Tiamat los creó para luchar con el Dios Marduk, los creó como un ejército, como armas poderosas, sus cuerpos en vez de sangre contenían veneno, pero además de saber esto, solo encontramos...