Etiqueta: Evocation

A ritual with Marbas

Marbas is the fifth spirit to appear in Goetia, according to this ancient grimoire, he is the President of Hell, and among his powers, he can truthfully answer any question. It is also capable of causing or curing any type of disease. This little essay is dedicated to Him,...

Qalilitu: The Evil Mermaid of the Bloody Waters of Gamaliel

Qalilitu is an evil mermaid, she lives deep in the waters of the bloody rivers of Gamaliel. She appears with the body half fish half woman, her eyes are white and burning, she also has a third eye on her forehead. She has reddish and matted hair, her teeth...

The Draconian Evocation

When it comes to evocation, people often have a lot of «fantasies» about it. The inexperienced magician thinks that by reciting some words from an ancient medieval grimoire, the spirit will appear and fulfill all his requests because no, this does not work this way. Among all the branches...